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If you’ve worked with databases before, you’re probably aware of SQL or Structured Query Language which is the medium used to add, updated, delete, or retrieve information from databases. It enables your business to access huge blocks of data and information in an efficient manner. Because of how crucial they are to a business, it’s of utmost importance that you perform regular Microsoft SQL database backups.

A reliable database backup is a fundamental layer of protection, especially if your business relies on a Microsoft SQL server 24/7 because this leaves you better prepared for disasters and minimizes business downtime and the financial impact of system crashes or other data loss events. Now that we’re aware of the importance of regular database backups, it’s time we turn our attention to how we can make your backups as effective as possible.

Here are the factors you need to consider for your Microsoft SQL server database backups in order to maximize its efficiency:

  1. Frequency

    The first thing you need to define is the database backup frequency. If you make database backups too often, you will severely impact your systems performance and it will affect the end user experience. On the other hand, infrequent database backups will leave you with outdated files and make you less prepared for system crashes. Therefore, the best way to determine the optimum number of times you need to back up your Microsoft SQL servers is by analyzing the needs of your business. It’s also a wise idea to schedule server backups in times when your servers experience the least amount of traffic.

  2. Restoring Backups

    Contrary to popular belief, your job isn’t over after you’ve backed up your database server; you also need to be well versed in restoring these backups. Countless times we’ve seen IT specialists panic when they encounter unexpected errors when recovering database servers. Therefore, as a best practice you should conduct regular database recovery drills to fine tune your disaster recovery process and identify any loopholes in your disaster recovery plan.

  3. Storage Options

    Now that you are aware of the need for frequent database backups and how to efficiently restore them, it’s time we turn our attention to storage options. For obvious reasons, we highly recommend storing database backups on both onsite and offsite storage. Based on the availability of resources, you can opt to store your database backups either in cloud storage or physical storage. While physical storage may offer more security and is generally faster. Cloud storage provides ease of access and is cheaper, so be careful and choose the option that’s the right fit for your business.

This concludes our list of things to consider for Microsoft SQL server backups. By following these simple tips you can ensure that your business is well protected and prepared for unexpected data loss events.

However, if all of that sounds like too much work, you could always opt for our database backup solutions which also includes Microsoft Exchange, Oracle, MySQL, and MariaDB. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide simplified backup options to our clients – a fact that is reflected in our critically acclaimed CloudBacko Pro which allows you to backup your databases to a cloud and or local storage, then restore it when needed – and that too by just a few clicks!

Contact us today to learn more about our cloud backup solutions!