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Step 1 - Install CloudBacko

The first step to get started is to download and install CloudBacko onto your computer or NAS. Please follow the instructions below to do so.

Select your operating system

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux (rpm)
  • Linux (deb)
  • QNAP

Install CloudBacko to Windows

  1. Click the "Download >>" button on top of this page to download the Windows installer.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  2. Double-click the file.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  3. This dialog box will only appear if Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on your machine. Enter your password and click [Yes] to continue.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  4. Click [Next] to continue

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  5. Select option [I accept the agreement] and click [Next] to continue.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  6. Use the default setting. Click [Next] to continue.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  7. Use the default setting [Anyone who uses this computer]. Click [Next] to continue.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  8. Click [Install] to continue.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  9. CloudBacko Go installation in progress. Depending on your internet connection, this could take a up to few minutes.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

  10. Installation completed! Click [Finish] to exit setup and start CloudBacko Go.

    Download Cloudbacko Windows installer

Install CloudBacko to macOS

  1. Click the "Download >>" button on top of this page and then click [macOS DMG online installer] to download the installation file.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  2. Double click the DMG file.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  3. Double click the obm.pkg file.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  4. Click [Continue] on the 'Introduction' screen to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  5. Click [Continue] on the 'Read Me' screen to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  6. Click [Continue] on the 'License' screen to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  7. Click [Agree] to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  8. Click [Install] to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  9. Enter your password and click [Install Software] to continue.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  10. Click OK to continue. (This pop-up is only shown on macOS 10.15 or above)

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  11. Click OK to continue. (This pop-up is only shown on macOS 10.15 or above)

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  12. Click OK to continue. (This pop-up is only shown on macOS 10.15 or above)

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  13. CloudBacko Go installation in progress. Depending on your internet connection this could take a few minutes.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

  14. Installation completed. Click [Close] to exit setup.

    Install CloudBacko to macOS

Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  1. Click the "Download >>" button on top of this page and then click [Linux RPM online installer] to download the installation file.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  2. Select "Save File". Click [OK] to continue.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  3. Double click on the [obm-linux-XXXXXX.rpm] installer file

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  4. Click [Install] to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  5. Enter your password. Click [Authenticate] to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  6. Installation in progress. Depending on your internet connection this could take a few minutes.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  7. Installation completed.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

  8. Locate CloudBacko in applications.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by RPM

Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  1. Click the "Download >>" button on top of this page and then click [Linux DEB online installer] to download the installation file.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  2. Select "Save File". Click [OK] to continue.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  3. Double click on the [obm-linux-XXXXXX.deb] installer file.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  4. Click [Install] to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  5. Enter your password. Click [Authenticate] to proceed.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  6. Installation in progress. Depending on your internet connection this could take up to a few minutes.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  7. Installation completed.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

  8. Locate CloudBacko in applications.

    Install CloudBacko to Linux by DEB

Install CloudBacko to QNAP NAS (via App Center)

Requirement: QTS 5.1.0 or above
  1. Logon to the QNAP NAS web admin console. Click on the App Center icon.

    Install on QNAP NAS

  2. In the App Center select Backup/Sync option. Locate the CloudBackoGo icon, click Install to continue.

    Install on QNAP NAS

  3. Click OK to continue.

    Install on QNAP NAS

  4. Installation in progress. Depending on your internet connection this could take a few minutes.

    Install on QNAP NAS

  5. Installation completed. Click Open to start CloudBacko Go.

    Install on QNAP NAS

  6. Alternatively, go to the QNAP web admin desktop. Click on the CloudBackoGo icon start CloudBacko Go.

    Install on QNAP NAS